How to run chrome browser on two or more accounts at a time on your PC

manage multiple accounts on chrome browser

Chrome is among the top browsers we are used to due to the features it has. You already know how to run it, use your bookmark, manage your passwords, also how to manage the extensions.

But sometime, most of you will want to run two or more accounts on Chrome at a time, may be because you don't want to merge the bookmarks of one account to another or you wish not to combine the passwords you manage on account A to account B. What the heck! Now you will understand how to run multiple accounts on Chrome at a time on different windows.

Though, most of you are used to Firefox due to the data saver and its privacy. Firefox does collect some information though. Firefox Sync uses your tab, password, bookmark, and other browser information to sync across devices, but that data is, like Chrome, encrypted. Firefox's privacy settings are easy to manage, and not like Chrome that isn't as much to manage except to use an extension or addon like uBlock Origin or uMatrix (or both). All add-ons for Mozilla browsers are unlike Chrome reviewed before they're staked, though some are labelled "experimental" until they're tested. This approach has helped them mostly avoid the adware problem Chrome is abiding, although not completely. Some adware extensions for Firefox were identified, and others are just direct with what they do with your information.

Moreover, if you choose to use Chrome, and you like to run through multiple windows with different accounts, this article is for you. It's time to rock on. Hum.

Chrome sign in

Step 1
If you do not have Chrome browser download one. After download, launch it and go to the top right corner of the browser, you will see user icon, click on it and it will ask you to sign in, click on sign in and put in your Google account to log in and if not having Google account, create one. After signing in, you will find your account logged in at the top right corner where you clicked to sign in. You can then decide to turn on sync, and you are also able to manage your passwords other things on the account.

Furthermore, it's time to manage the second account. It's as easier as writing 123.

Chrome manage people

Step 2
Now, go to same user icon and click on it to find "manage people", click on manage people and it will pop up a short window showing your formal account, and at the bottom right corner you will find two features "Browse as guest and Add person", though you may choose to browse as guest not to affect your formal accounts. Then click on Add person and put any name you like to open a new window before you sign in the other account. You will already find two Chrome browser icons at the taskbar, and then click on "Add".

Awesome indeed.

Chrome Sign in

Your other window is opened now, take the Step 1 process to sign in the other account, and if you do not have a second account you can create another. It will welcome you and display "Sign in or Not now", then click on Sign in and you have two accounts already running in Chrome browser.

Launch Chrome other account

Finally, using it is not complicated. Once you click on Chrome browser at the desktop page or from Start menu, it'll start both of them at once, and if not starting the other one, go to the user icon of the opened account and find the other account in the drop down to click on and start. Then it will open a new window for the other account.

So you can take the same process for any number of accounts you wish to run on Chrome browser.